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  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive, diagnostic, and therapeutic technique that uses magnetic fields to stimulate or inhibit regions of the brain by electromagnetic induction through a coil placed over the patient’s head.

  • TMS delivers magnetic pulses to certain parts of the brain, producing changes in brain cell activity. The frequency of pulse delivery influences whether brain activity is increased or decreased. Treatment effects can be long lasting because of the change in the way nerve cell patterns and brain networks connect and communicate.

  • TMS studies provided treatment 5 days a week for up to 36 sessions. In some situations, patients may benefit from a greater number of treatments. This is dependent on treatment plan with the provider as well as the patient’s insurance.

  • A typical TMS session is around 20-30 minutes. There are shorter protocols if the provider determines that is a safe option for the patient.

  • • The most common side effects are facial muscle twitching, discomfort at the treatment site, and mild headache. Most patients report these as transient and respond well to over-the-counter analgesics.

    • Increase in anxiety or mood changes can occur initially, these effects usually decrease following the first few treatment sessions. Report any mood changes to your provider.

    • Less common side effects can include eye, jaw, tooth, or neck pain. These can often be resolved with repositioning the coil.

    • Auditory changes can occur from frequent exposure; however, patients are required to wear ear plugs during treatment to minimize this risk.

    • Rare adverse events can include seizures. However, the risk of seizure during TMS is lower than the risk of seizure while taking an anti-depressant on its own.

  • Response times vary from patient to patient. Patients who are consistent with their five days a week schedule often see improvements after the first few weeks of treatment. It may take some patients closer to the end of their treatment course to notice improvements. There will be frequent check-ins with the provider to evaluate status.

  • Not every patient will receive benefit from TMS. If are not getting satisfactory results from treatment, let your provider know so your options can be discussed, and an appropriate treatment plan can be prepared for you. Do not stop therapy without first consulting your provider.

  • • TMS is contraindicated for patients with non-removable metallic, ferromagnetic objects less than 30cm from where the treatment coil is placed. Consult a Deep Insight provider if you have any of the following: implanted electrodes, stimulators, aneurysm clips or coils, cochlear implants, stents in the head, metal fragments.

    • Additionally, consult your provider if any of the following apply to you.

    1. You have an active seizure disorder or a history of seizures or epilepsy.

    2. If you are taking any medications that increase your risk of having a seizure.

    3. A history of head trauma or other neurologic conditions.